Why EB Tech?

We are building the future through innovation & excellence


Uplift lives of communities through inclusive innovative technology.

What We’re About

Efficiency / Excellence / Growth / Innovation

Those are the goals we in EB Tech strive to provide.

This new Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR 4.0) world is both digital and global but equally it needs to be interwoven into the physical environment of localized communities. The technology of the future is limited only by our capacity to design it. IR 4.0 technologies demands a holistic and interdisciplinary approach to better extract its potential to positively transform our personal, community and national experiences.

With that, we in EB Tech firmly believe that we are capable of solving industries’ major problems and inefficiencies by leveraging AI in this new industrial age.

EB Tech is all about providing Innovation and Excellence through technology.

EB Tech is a technology startup. We are a technology arm of Edaberan Group Sdn. Bhd. (1308420-U) that focuses on the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) such as Deep Learning, Computer Vision, and Robotics.


Pursuit of Excellence

Our work motto:
“Out-work, Out-last, Out-improve & Out-strategize”

Always strive to be the best in the world at what we do. Always do more than what others are willing to do.

We see ourselves as a high-level sports team where everyone strives to be the best at what they do in order for the company to win and dominate the marketplace.


Nothing really matters if there is no integrity.  Do work with integrity and virtue.

“Doing the right thing is always right.”

Constant Innovation

Innovate, innovate, innovate

Always strive to make our work better everyday.

Radical Transparency & Open-mindedness

Remember, don’t worry about appearing good, worry about achieving the goal.

Passion & Purpose

Work must be more than just coming to the office and work. It must come deeper from within. We must be passionate about what we are doing as a company.

We must have a deeper meaning and purpose in the work that we do.

We are here to uplift the lives of communities on a larger scale.

Have Fun

Life is short. So, might as well have fun in what we’re doing.

Meet The Team

Moses Lenjau Vinsien

Managing Director

Ashweein Narayanan

Executive Director

Syazwan Saidan


Technology Director

Hamidi Pulungan

Software & AI Engineer

Harold Japok Undit

Software & AI Engineer

Articles Of Us

Sarawakian company EB Tech secures a 3-year project to develop Thailand's carbon market

February 7, 2024 – by  DayakDaily

Sarawakian company Evolving Brilliance Technologies Sdn Bhd (EB Tech) has signed a tripartite agreement with Thailand’s MSQ Engineering and Solutions Pvt Ltd and Prince of Songkla University (PSU) to develop the country’s carbon credit market.

S’wakian tech startup signs JV agreement with Thai engineering firm on sustainable technology

February 7, 2024 – by Borneo Post

Evolving Brilliance Technologies Sdn Bhd (EB Tech) – a Sarawakian tech startup, has signed a joint-venture agreement (JVA) with MSQ Engineering and Solutions (Thailand) Pvt Ltd and its counterpart in Malaysia, for a transformative partnership in sustainable technology sector.

Syarikat pemula Sarawak, EB Tech jalin kerjasama perdagangan kredit karbon dengan syarikat Thailand

February 7, 2024 – by TVS 

Syarikat pemula teknologi Sarawak, Evolving Brilliance Technologies Sdn Bhd (EB Tech) menandatangani perjanjian usaha sama dengan MSQ Engineering and Solutions (Thailand) Pvt Ltd dan beberapa syarikat dari Malaysia dalam sektor teknologi mampan.

Shell LiveWIRE and TEGAS 5 Enterprises From Sarawak

August 3, 2023 – by Disruptr MY

The 2023 Sarawak state winning enterprises EB Tech, Dr Parveen Kaur, Myscripts, Pungu Borneo and Rukun TV were part of over 60 participants who joined this programme. They went through a comprehensive bootcamp, where 10 selected finalists moved on to the final pitching competition.

TEGAS berharap dapat terus bekerjasama dengan Shell

July 31, 2023 – by Utusan Borneo

Tabung Ekonomi Gagasan Anak Sarawak (TEGAS) berharap dapat meneruskan kerjasama dengan Shell Malaysia dalam penganjuran program Shell LiveWIRE di negeri ini. Pengerusi TEGAS Datuk Len Talif Salleh berkata, ia bagi merangsang ekonomi tempatan melalui keusahawanan, inovasi dan pekerjaan yang bermakna terutama untuk rakyat Sarawak.

Bringing AI tech to optimise industries sustainably

September 10, 2023 – by Borneo Post

Another finalist is Evolving Brilliance Technologies Sdn Bhd (EB Tech), founded in 2021, with five co-founders: Ashweein Narayanan, Moses Lenjau, Syazwan, Harold Japok, and Azzam.

“Our company focuses on using Vision AI to optimize industries sustainably. I am personally a serial entrepreneur myself, with some involvement in agriculture/plantation, creative industry, social enterprise and also tech,” Ashweein said.

WCIT | IDECS 2023 shatters notion of Sarawak as rural destination

October 6, 2023 – by Borneo Post

The 27th World Congress on Innovation and Technology 2023 and the 6th International Digital Economy Conference Sarawak (WCIT | IDECS) 2023 has proven to be a thriving hub of technological innovation and opportunities, shattering the notion of Sarawak as a rural destination.

Participants from various sectors and backgrounds shared their experiences, revealing the depth of positive impact this event, which will end today, has left on them.

SDEC introduces DiVA programme providing RM150K grant to empower technology startups

April 13, 2023 – by DayakDaily

Sarawak Digital Economy Corporation (SDEC), a leading organisation in promoting innovation and digital transformation in Sarawak, is proud to announce the launch of its accelerator programme, Digital Village Accelerator (DiVA).

Collaborate with us

Want to know more about EB Tech?

Interested to collaborate and build a better future with us?

For inquiries, feel free to reach us. 


Why EB Tech?

We are building

the future through

innovation &



Uplift lives of communities through inclusive innovative technology.

What We’re About

Efficiency / Excellence / Growth / Innovation

Those are the goals we in EB Tech strive to provide.

This new Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR 4.0) world is both digital and global but equally it needs to be interwoven into the physical environment of localized communities. The technology of the future is limited only by our capacity to design it. IR 4.0 technologies demands a holistic and interdisciplinary approach to better extract its potential to positively transform our personal, community and national experiences.

With that, we in EB Tech firmly believe that we are capable of solving industries’ major problems and inefficiencies by leveraging AI in this new industrial age.

EB Tech is all about providing Innovation and Excellence through technology.

EB Tech is a technology startup. We are a technology arm of Edaberan Group Sdn. Bhd. (1308420-U) that focuses on the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) such as Deep Learning, Computer Vision, and Robotics.


Pursuit of Excellence

Our work motto:
“Out-work, Out-last, Out-improve & Out-strategize”

Always strive to be the best in the world at what we do. Always do more than what others are willing to do.

We see ourselves as a high-level sports team where everyone strives to be the best at what they do in order for the company to win and dominate the marketplace.


Nothing really matters if there is no integrity.  Do work with integrity and virtue.

“Doing the right thing is always right.”

Constant Innovation

Innovate, innovate, innovate

Always strive to make our work better everyday.

Radical Transparency

& Open-mindedness

Remember, don’t worry about appearing good, worry about achieving the goal.

Passion & Purpose

Work must be more than just coming to the office and work. It must come deeper from within. We must be passionate about what we are doing as a company.

We must have a deeper meaning and purpose in the work that we do.

We are here to uplift the lives of communities on a larger scale.

Have Fun

Life is short. So, might as well have fun in what we’re doing.

Meet The Team

Moses Lenjau Vinsien

Managing Director

Azzam Izzuddin Sekh Karim

Finance Director

Syazwan Saidan

Technology Director

Hamidi Pulungan

Software & AI Engineer

Harold Japok Undit

Software & AI Engineer

Collaborate with us

Want to know more about EB Tech?

Interested to collaborate and build a better future with us?

For inquiries, feel free to reach us.